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Hockerill Parents and Friends

Hockerill Parents and Friends

HPF is all about helping and supporting the College. Below is an outline of part of our activities, but for up to date information and news we have a facebook page to circulate information about current events. Please click here to access it.

HPF is a forum of people who come together for two reasons: helping and supporting the College and getting together socially. These two go together seamlessly at most of the events we organise, such as Comedy Night, Candlelight Supper or the annual Christmas Market. Other events are purely social and can range from themed evenings to a casual get together in a local bar or restaurant.

We give a little of our time to ensure the College and the students have the means to buy those things which statutory funding and other funds do not quite run to - and we have some fun at the same time! We encourage parents/carers to join us and help raise as much money as possible each year, as well as helping to extend the Hockerill College community. All parents, teaching and non-teaching staff are members of HPF as a matter of course and are invited to all our meetings and the AGM. At the AGM the members elect the trustees, who are in office for a two year term.

HPF is a registered charity, number 1147215